benefits of eggs for beauty

benefits of eggs for beauty
Egg yolks are one of the high-protein animal products that are good for the body.Each raw egg yolk contains 355 calories, in addition to useful to add healthy blood, egg yolks also contain lots of vitamin A.

Protein content on the egg is so rich. So for anyone that consumption, egg yolks are very good for your health. Diligent is consuming the eggs so that the body healthy and fit always.But keep in mind, the consumption of egg yolk in one measure and a reasonable consumption of excessive or not.

Egg yolks are also useful for some types of beauty treatments.For example, removing acne scars and blemishes for the manufacture of masks for oily skin.

2 the benefits of egg yolks for beauty treatments and ways of its use:

1. the benefits of egg yolks for the face

Effects of egg yolk to prevent wrinkles, dull skin, and can be used as a mask

1 egg yolk.

2 TBS fresh milk.

Beat the egg yolks and whisk into the egg-milk entered.

Whisk until evenly and apply on your face by using a special brush for mask.

Leave for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water.

2. the benefits of egg yolks for hair

Prepare the egg yolk 2 pieces for short hair, long hair to prepare 4 egg yolks.

Add three teaspoons of almond oil or grains and mix with lemon

Whisk quickly until well blended.

Rinse your hair with a shampoo that to clean hair.

When the hair is still damp you can directly use the mixture to the scalp.

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